Large Format Scanning
A2, A1 and A0 Scanning
Large format black & white or colour scanning of A2, A1 and A0 plans, drawings, maps and other documents to either TIF (Tagged Image File Format) or PDF (Portable Document Format) files using the large format scanning facility on the HP T2600dr up to 600 dpi.
High Volume Archiving
Scan your old drawings for easy storage and retrieval. Drawings can be scanned from dyeline paper, plain paper and tracing paper, drawings will be returned so you can decide when they need to be discarded. Drawings can be scanned up to 600 dpi which means approx 500 A1 scans can fit onto a standard CD Rom.
Click here to view an A1 600 dpi scan produced on the Xerox 6204.
A3 and A4 Document Scanning
Large amounts of A4 and A3 colour or black & white documents or plans can be scanned direct to single or multi page TIFF/PDF files. These can then be named as directed for easy retrieval.
Contact Lisa for a competitive quotation on large amounts of scanning/archiving.
Key Benefits
- Send documents in the post for scanning and they will be scanned and returned within 48 hours (subject to quantity).
- Free collection and delivery in the local area. Nationwide collection possible using courier services.
- Postage for scanned documents charged at whatever it costs.
- Single or multi page TIFF scanning or PDF scanning available. A3 scanning / A2 scanning / A1 scanning / A0 scanning
- Discounts available for large volumes of scanning.
- Specialists in scanning drawings and archiving them into job folders.
- Scans emailed or sent on a disk (if large amounts)